Try our free Prometric practice tests for Middle East dental exams

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Discover eNursing Portal’s free to use online sample test for Prometric and Pearson Vue dental exam preparation.

eNursing Portal is a revolutionary dental exam preparatory platform offering a personalised revision resource for dentists to pass prometric dental exams across MENA, including DHA exam for Dubai, MOH exam for emirates other than Dubai, Abu Dhabi and Al Ain, DOH (HAAD) exam for Abu Dhai and Al Ain, NHRA exam for Bahrain residents, SDLE for Saudi Arabia, QCHP exam for Qatar residents and OMSB exam for Oman.

We maintain the most powerful Question banks available, complemented by up-to-date dental exam specific resources that are brought to you in an exam-distilled format. Practicing and Learning on eNursing Portal will enable you to progress towards your dental exams and in turn your career goal in the shortest possible time.

Coaching lectures vs Books vs eNursing Portal

eNursing Portal is designed and built based on educational research principles:
Free Prometric MCQ questions to practice and test your Knowledge
Active recall practice through free tests
Active recall or retrieval practice

The theory of retrieval practice state that we do not learn by putting information into our brains, but we learn counter intuitively by retrieving information from our brains. This is the reason why reading something in a textbook or listening to lectures claimed as ‘coaching classes’ can be completely forgotten within a few hours. Because you haven't tested yourself on that knowledge.

Studying using eNursing Portal gives you the chance to test and retrieve the information from your brain time and again in the most efficient way. Based on research, this drives learning!

Enhance learning through quick and intense feedback
Intense feedback and review for quick learning
Quick and Intense Feedback

Another strategy known to enhance learning is through intense feedback as often and as quick as possible. Feedback gives learners an explanation of what they are doing correctly AND incorrectly. It is most effective when it is available as quick as possible.

This is possible through eNursing Portal’s immediate display for correct answers and explanations that are tailored and condensed to exam-style, performance graphs displaying progress scores as well as filters that allow spaced repetition and revision.

On this page, eNursing Portal offers you free prometric exam practice questions to help you understand the difficulty level of Prometric exams MCQs.

We are building a future where preparing for exams in the Middle-east is easy, convenient and engaging. We help dentists pass exams, driven by the idea of improving oral health-care in the Middle-east.

Practice Prometric Dental exam MCQs for free

Come, practice and test yourself using our free prometric online sample test!